“Writing for an Academic Discussion” questions of TOEFL iBT start July 26 and will replace the “Independent Writing Task.”
A question is written by a professor and responses by two students are given. The test-taker should respond to the question and add to the discussion. They have ten minutes to read the question, read the responses and write their own responses.
Economic Growth vs the Environment
Targeted Advertising
Social Media
Grading Students
Taxing Unhealthy Products
University Spending
City Spending
Corporate Impact
Work From Home
Online Classes
Smart Phones
Learning Styles
Starting a Business
Question Guide
Dr. Gupta: As I mentioned in class, governments make public policies to describe their responses to various problems that affect a community, Part of this process involves setting and defending priorities about which issues deserve the most attention and resources. For example, governments need to decide whether they should spend more money on education or on environmental protections. If you were a policy maker, which issue would you argue is more important--education or environmental protections? Why?
Sara 8.: We all live on planet Earth, and it is the only planet we have. Therefore, we must take care of it, Clearly, protecting the environment should be the government's priority overeducation. I think the REAL question is, which approach to protecting the environment-restricting pollution, regulating population, promoting clean energy, or something else should be the government's priority.
Taehyun o.: I disagree with Sara that that the environment is more important than education. Education is actually the best way to protect the environment. Educated people can see how their decisions affect the world around them. Also, with better science and technology education, we can develop solutions to environmental problems. Therefore, I think the government should spend more money on education.
Answer Template 1
The topic is quite challenging, but I think that [respond directly to the question]. I think i agree with Sara’s idea that [mention one point made by the student] sim0ly because [expand on the point with your own idea]. Though Taehyun raises a relevant point that [mention one point made by the other student], he does not mention that [challenge that point]. For example [elaborate on your challenge with your own ideas].
Answer Template 2
Though both Sara and Taehyun I think that…[elaborate on your idea for a few sentences] I have a totally different opinion. Remember that [elaborate on your point], so [elaborate on your point]. Some people may feel that [mention a potential challenge], but [respond to this challenge].
Personally, I tend to lean towards Taehyun's opinion. Sara thinks that governments should take some actions to improve the environment. However, It is not effective because the citizens are the main force to affect our environment, not governments. Therefore, the key point of environmental protection is to arouse individuals' awareness of taking care of our own planet. I reckon education is more prior, just like what Taehyun mentions above. Only when people learn a lot of knowledge of science and technology, can they realize the importance of protecting environment. If we just advocate for people to act verbally, The results will more less be as futile as advocating for people to quit smoking. Namely, everyone knows it, but no one takes actions to stop smoking. From where i stand, education deserves the most attention and resources.