Some people believe that they should be able to keep all the money they earn, and should not have to pay tax to the state.
To what extent do you agree or disagree?
A good response that covers all the required issues in the question would consider the following points:
Why people may want to keep all the money they earn
Why people should pay money to the state
The above are the two sides a test taker would consider, and thus the ideas presented should answer them.
You should make sure your opinion is clearly comprehended. You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.
Write about the following topic:
Some people believe that they should be able to keep all the money they earn, and should not have to pay tax to the state.
To what extent do you agree or disagree? Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own experience or knowledge.
Write at least 250 words.
Earning money is does not come handy for many, yet part of such hard earned money should be paid to the government in form of taxes. It is quite understandable that people should keep their money however, I do partake it is imperative to pay taxes.
Having money is the cardinal effort for sundry people as it is deemed the solitary aspect of having a good life and enjoying what one wants in life. With money, one can have whatever they want, from a good house to enjoying the best aspects of life like food, traveling and giving one’s children the best education. people believe governments have other means of accumulating revenue than taxing people, and thus deem keeping their hard-earned money imperative. Without money, or enough of it, it is as clear as water in a glass that life would be living hell. It is the importance of money in attaining a good life that makes people believe they should not pay tax to governments.
Suffice to note, the masses should be obliged to pay taxes as it helps government offer them the best public services all over the country. These public services are things individual people cannot construct yet are important to all, for example, construction of roads, bridges, public hospitals, parks and or government schools. It should be noted that many governments have a narrow spectrum of attaining revenue if not through taxes. Most developed countries like Russia, America and China have developed robust public service systems because they get a lot of taxes from the big populations. No wonder public services are superb in such countries.
In conclusion, though it is agreeable that people should keep their money because it enhances their living standard, I do deem they should pay taxes to enable government offer splendid public services that individuals cannot accord themselves.
(307 WORDS)