The diagram shows the evolution of a horse. Describe the process of evolution. Use 150 words.
The diagram demystifies the development of prehistoric and modern horses placing special emphasis on the formation of the feet.
The overall perspective shows that horses were small however, as they became bigger, their feet elongated and broadened until they joined to become a distinctive hoof.
The prehistoric horse from 40 million years ago was called an Eohippus, with a slimmer body and foot having thin phalanges. That said, with the following evolution process, 30 million years ago, it changed to a Mesohippis, having a bigger body but similar than horses today, the foot developing three distinct fingers, with the middle finger being bulkier and slightly longer than the rest.
15 million years ago, the Merychippus became more recognizable as a horse, with an increase in size of the middle digit. It eventually developed into today’s horse, big in size, and the separate digits of its foot changing into one single hoof.